This is my second Christmas – I like Christmas - lots of walks with the family, both Ned the Designer and Alison the Mosaic Artist take time off and Katy is off school.
Looking to next year, Ned the Designer already has some exciting projects in place, another Ray Mears book for Christmas 2010 so probably more camping for me - woooohooo!! There are also a couple of projects he is not allowed to talk about yet but as soon as I get more information I will let you know.
He is also looking to develop both of his businesses having gone through the recession this year, to be honest not too sure what a recession is - but it has been on the radio a lot in his studio and you just can't help picking these things up.
For 2h he is looking to increase the number of publishing projects. He wants to design more books, book covers and marketing/promotion for books. Hmmmm - I wonder if this means I will be doing research like for the Ray Mears work. Could be interesting.
He is also looking to build the Big Ideas Collective further along with the rest of the team. BIG does something called creative communications to help their clients develop their businesses. He has been going to loads of meetings recently and there are quite a few things on the job schedule for next year. He has also been working with one of BIG's clients, Our Celebration, to develop a brand for the York Year of Volunteering. To find out more about this click here.
So all that remains is for me to wish you all a really great Christmas and New Year break - and hope you get to go out on lots of walks too.

Looking to next year, Ned the Designer already has some exciting projects in place, another Ray Mears book for Christmas 2010 so probably more camping for me - woooohooo!! There are also a couple of projects he is not allowed to talk about yet but as soon as I get more information I will let you know.
He is also looking to develop both of his businesses having gone through the recession this year, to be honest not too sure what a recession is - but it has been on the radio a lot in his studio and you just can't help picking these things up.
For 2h he is looking to increase the number of publishing projects. He wants to design more books, book covers and marketing/promotion for books. Hmmmm - I wonder if this means I will be doing research like for the Ray Mears work. Could be interesting.
He is also looking to build the Big Ideas Collective further along with the rest of the team. BIG does something called creative communications to help their clients develop their businesses. He has been going to loads of meetings recently and there are quite a few things on the job schedule for next year. He has also been working with one of BIG's clients, Our Celebration, to develop a brand for the York Year of Volunteering. To find out more about this click here.
So all that remains is for me to wish you all a really great Christmas and New Year break - and hope you get to go out on lots of walks too.