Saturday, 22 May 2010

Pip - Designers Dog 2


Good morning all. I am Pip the Designers Dog. I have been living with Ned the Designer, Alison the Mosaic artist and Katy the schoolgirl for around 3 months now. I have been training to fill the big paws of Mac the Designers Dog who sadly died earlier this year.

Well I have got the basic grasp of book design and book cover design. I watch Ned the Designer staring at his computer screens and moving pictures and words around until they look good. I am also in the process of learning other skills as well that I need to work with The Big Ideas Collective, Ned the Designers other company.

I have my own Twitter account - until I came here I thought Twiitter is what birds do - But no - I tweet about things going on here.

This week Ned the Designer has been working on a couple of book projects for BlueRed books one on Icons and one on Events that changed the World. He has also been designing covers for plays for Nick Hern Books (which he has been doing for years) This week it has been covers for RSC, Tricycle Theatre, Everyman Theatre, Chichester Festival. He has also been doing some work with a Makaton signing project, Interactive CD covers for the University of York

For the Big Ideas Collective he has also been planning a project which he is presenting next week. He has been doing things called mind maps. He has also been planning for next weeks meetings and some work for Fern Manor (maker of Garden Retreats).

- so not to be outdone - here is my own breakdown - click on the map to see the detail.

…and Ned the Designer thinks he's been busy - this is my DAILY schedule.

Well that's about it for now - this schedule is 24/7 - I think I am about to going into the sleeping phase

*The photo above is me with Ned the Designer

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