The first 2 months of 2010 have just shot past. Lots of new business and new opportunities - so different from last year. With the improvements we have made to our internal systems 2h has expanded its capacity for publishing work, consequently we are looking to take on more publishing projects from our existing clients and looking forward to working with some new publishers and authors as well. We have posted our new portfolio presentation which shows a variety of 2h Design's book and cover work.
I was lucky enough to have a trip to New York with Out-Take publishers to work with Michael Halsband on the pre-production for a book. I was also lucky enough to have Michael take my portrait (see below). Over the 4 days we must have gone through about 16,000 images and selected around 1500 in the first edit. More news as it happens. We have also worked with Michel Lafon Publishers to supply the files for Tunnels website for them to make a French version of the site - designed by 2h and expertly developed by Simon Bolstridge at Squeegee Design.

Type and lettering are so strongly part of Upper Eastside Manhattan I was staying in - very inspiring.

Next blog I will be putting together a list of useful things self publishers can do to make their book compete with the mainstream publishers.
In the meantime if you have a publishing project you wish to discuss with 2h design please get in touch
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